Jasper Fanning
Overall administrator of the District.
Fanning understands the value of natural resources in the URNRD and the relationship between regulations and the economy of the region. Fanning led development of the NCORPE and Rock Creek augmentation projects in Lincoln and Dundy Counties, respectively, that have allowed the State of Nebraska to maintain compliance with the three-state Republican River Compact without ceasing irrigation on thousands of cropland acres in the Republican Basin.
Deb Hayes
Hayes is responsible for the keeping of financial, personnel, policy and meeting records for the NRD.
Nate Jenkins
Jenkins develops and implements District projects, manages external District communication efforts, and oversees grant requests and programs.
Julia Strand
Strand is a Water Program Specialist and her duties include working with variance requests, the water quality program, and managing the database and GIS program.
Danielle Haarberg
Haarberg coordinates media relations, education programs and website.
Cooper Bollman
Bollman is responsible for irrigation and chemigation related work in Chase County.
Todd Burrell
Burrell oversees the District's wildlife habitat restoration projects and the Rock Creek rangeland restoration and augmentation site project.
Fay Hiykel
Hiykel is responsible for irrigation and chemigation related work in Dundy County.
Mike Nesbitt
Nesbitt oversees the District's tree program, and is responsible for irrigation and chemigation related work..
Brett Harmon
Harmon is responsible for irrigation and chemigation related work in the District.
Jeff Lempke
Lempke is responsible for irrigation and chemigation related work in the District.
Wilma Zimbelman
Zimbelman provides secretarial support for District & United States Department of Agriculture NRCS programs in the Imperial NRCS office.
Patsy Kroeker
Kroeker provides secretarial support for District & United States Department of Agriculture NRCS programs in the Grant NRCS office.
Dwain Curtis
Curtis works part-time and assists the full time technicians with their duties.